
Pranic Healing and Reiki both have extensive therapies for physical ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, and eczema that help alleviate pain, reduce stress and anxiety levels in patients, improve sleep, and bring about higher levels of relaxation. When used along with conventional medical therapy, energy healing techniques have shown to heal physical ailments faster.


Diabetes is a condition that occurs when the amount of sugar in the blood increases because the pancreas stops producing adequate amounts of insulin

High/Low Blood Pressure

High blood pressure and low blood pressure are hypertension and hypotension, respectively. Hypertension is something that affects millions...


Eczema is a form of dermatitis and a common skin condition. Eczema can lead to dry, red, and itchy skin. It usually appears during infancy but


Arthritis is long-term chronic pain and currently has no cure. It is an inflammation of the joints and can affect just one or multiple joints. The two


Cholesterol is the human body’s repair substance and can be found in all cells of the body. The main function of cholesterol is to repair damaged

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